Section: Software and Platforms

Software and Platforms

Download page : https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/?group_id=3646


HoMade V4 is available and was used by 140 students this year on a Xilinx Nexys3 board. The Xilinx Virtex6 and Virtex7 are also supporting this new release. All the design is in VHDL except some ISE schematic specifications.

The main novelty of this release concerns :

  • three stage pipe-lining of the HoMade core,

  • new execution stack to improve frequency,

  • instruction memory loading via UART port,

  • MSPMD support

  • reflexive features: Write-In-Program-Memory (WIM) instruction

  • development of new IPs.

A test with 56 HoMade Slaves on a ring topology was running on a Virtex6 on a parallel matrix-vector multiplication example.

A low-level stack-based assembler supports binary generation from a Forth-like post-fixed syntax. It is written in Forth and can automatically generate binary code for the UART Port loading. This assembler will be merged with the JHomade software.


JHomade is a software suite including a compiler for the HoMade processor. It allows us to compile HiHope programs (or HoMade assembly) and load the binary on the FPGA board. Its first release was in december 2013.

𝕂-based language-independent symbolic execution and verification tool

The results in [9] , [14] were implemented in the 𝕂 framework and are distributed with it. The implementation allows users to symbolically execute programs in arbitrary languages defined in 𝕂, with the only restriction that data cannot become code (and reciprocally). It also allows users to formally verify programs against specifications written in Reachability Logic, a specification formalism that can be seen as a language-independent Hoare logic. These language-independent tools will be specialized to the languages of interest in the project (HiHope, HoMade assembly and machine code).